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論文タイトル 著者 発表誌
H Indoor environmental conditions in urban and rural homes with older people during heating season: A case in cold region, China G Fan, J Xie, H Yoshino, U Yanagi, K Hasegawa, N Kagi, T Goto, Q Zhang, C Wang, J Liu Building and Environment, May 2018, Vol.167, Issue 12, pp.334-346
H 中国都市部における住宅内空気環境と児童のアレルギー性疾患との関連性についての調査 吉野博,柳宇,大竹徹,後藤伴延,長谷川兼一,鍵直樹 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2018年3月,No.745,pp.293-300
H 中国における脳血管疾患死亡率に対する環境要因の分析 張晴原,吉野博,柳宇,長谷川兼一,後藤伴延,鍵直樹 日本建築学会技術報告集,2018年2月,Vol.24,No.56,pp.285-288
D Integration of evaporative cooling technique with solar chimney to improve indoor thermal environment in the New Assiut City, Egypt A Sayed, H Yoshino, T Goto, N Enteria, M Radwan, M Abdelsamei International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, December 2013, 4:45 (Online only, doi:10.1186/2251-6832-4-45)
V 通風時の換気量予測法に関する研究(第4報)多数室換気に局所相似モデルを適用した場合の通風量予測の精度検証及び戸建住宅の通風量解析への適用 塚本健二,大場正昭,倉渕隆,後藤伴延,遠藤智行,赤嶺嘉彦,野中俊宏 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2013年2月,No.684,pp.157-163
D Study on outside air cooling systems used in data processing facilities I Yamaguchi, M Koganei, T Goto, M Tsushima Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering,Vol.11, No.1, May 2012, pp.219-223
V 通風時の換気量予測法に関する研究(第3報)流出開口部における局所相似モデルの適用に関する検討 後藤伴延,大場正昭,倉渕隆,遠藤智行,赤嶺嘉彦,野中俊宏,塚本健二 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2012年4月,No.676,pp.259-266
D 押出成形アルミ均熱板で被覆された中空パイプ方式温水床暖房の放熱特性 志賀均,水沼信,中園眞人,小金井真,吉浦温雅,後藤伴延 日本建築学会技術報告集,2011年10月,No.37,pp.937-942
D 断熱改修とエアコン・床暖房を組み合わせた伝統民家の温熱環境改善効果-改修前後と運用時の3時点計測結果の比較- 中園眞人,吉浦温雅,志賀均,水沼信,後藤伴延,小金井真 日本建築学会技術報告集,2011年6月,No.36,pp.573-576
D 伝統民家縁側の緩衝空間としての温熱環境制御効果-冬季の温室効果を活用した縁側の断熱改修の有効性- 中園眞人,吉浦温雅,水沼信,後藤伴延,小金井真 日本建築学会技術報告集,2011年6月,No.36,pp.563-568
P 中学生を対象とした教室環境が学習効率に及ぼす影響に関する研究 須藤美音,伊藤一秀,佐々木英幸,岩下剛,上野佳奈子,樋渡潔,中江哲,後藤伴延 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2011年2月,No.660,pp.201-209
D IT複合情報処理施設における外気冷房システムの研究 第1報 ― 外気冷房による省エネルギー効果の検討 小金井真,山口巌,後藤伴延,三宅加典介,津島将孝 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集,2011年2月,No.167,pp.11-19
D 太陽熱利用住宅におけるベタ基礎を利用した蓄熱コンクリートの蓄放熱特性 森山実記,中村安弘,小金井真,後藤伴延 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集,2011年2月,2011年2月,No.167,pp.1-10
若年層(16~22歳)を対象とした温熱・空気環境の質が学習効率に及ぼす影響の検討 後藤伴延,伊藤一秀 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2010年9月,No.655,pp.767-774
V A simulation study on the reduction of cooling loads in a detached house by cross-ventilation using the local dynamic similarity model M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, K Tsukamoto, T Nonaka, T Goto International Journal of Ventilation, December 2009, Vol.8, Issue.3, pp.251-264
V Review of cross-ventilation research papers - from the working group for natural ventilation and cross-ventilation of the Architectural Institute of Japan H Kotani, T Goto, M Ohba, T Kurabuchi International Journal of Ventilation, December 2009, Vol.8, Issue.3, pp.233-242
V 密集住宅地における効果的な通風利用を目的とした開口部配置計画手法に関する研究(第1報)密集住宅地における建物表面風圧分布及び自然通風量に関する風洞実験 野中俊宏,倉渕隆,大場正昭,遠藤智行,後藤伴延,塚本健二 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2009年8月,No.642,pp.951-956
Long-term field survey on thermal adaptation in office buildings in Japan T Goto, T Mitamura, H Yoshino, A Tamura, E Inomata Building & Environment, December 2007, Vol.42, Issue 12, pp.3944-3954
通風時の換気量予測法に関する研究(第2報)流入開口部における局所相似モデルの適用性に関する検討 大場正昭,倉渕隆,後藤伴延,遠藤智行,赤嶺嘉彦,野中俊宏 日本建築学会環境系論文集,2007年7月,No.617,pp.25-30
Experimental study on predicting wind-driven cross-ventilation flow rates and discharge coefficients based on local dynamic similarity model M Ohba, T Goto, T Kurabuchi, T Endo, Y Akamine International Journal of Ventilation, June 2006, Vol.5, No.1, pp.105-114
V A study on the effects of porosity on discharge coefficient in cross-ventilated buildings based on wind tunnel experiment T Kurabuchi, Y Akamine, M Ohba, T Endo, T Goto, M Kamata International Journal of Ventilation, June 2006, Vol.5, No.1, pp.67-78
V Development of a simulator for indoor airflow distribution in a cross-ventilated building using the local dynamic similarity model T Endo, T Kurabuchi, T Nonaka, M Ishii, M Ohba, T Goto, Y Akamine International Journal of Ventilation, June 2006, Vol.5, No.1, pp.31-42
Thermal sensation and thermophysiolosical responses with metabolic step-changes T Goto, J Toftum, R de Dear, PO Fanger International Journal of Biometeorology, May 2006, Vol.50, No.5, pp.323-332
V Local dynamic similarity concept as applied to the evaluation of discharge coefficients of cross ventilated buildings T Kurabuchi, M Ohba, T Goto, Y Akamine, T Endo, M Kamata International Journal of Ventilation, December 2005, Vol.4, No.3, pp.285-300
C 温熱快適指標を用いた天井扇と冷水パネルの制御法に関する実験的研究 吉野博,後藤伴延,Larry Berglund 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集,2002年7月,No.86,pp.51-58


論文タイトル 著者 発表誌
Development of new human thermal model based on blood flow rate measurements under different temperature conditions T Goto, D Terayama, H Sakamoto, T Hayase, Y Saijo, R Sugawara, Z Niu 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2018), Philadelphia, USA, July 2018, Paper ID 202
H Investigation of association between indoor environment and elderly’s cardio-cerebrovascular disease in China – Design and preliminary outcome H Yoshino, H Zhang, U Yanagi, K Hasegawa, T Goto, N Kagi, Q Zhang 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2018), Philadelphia, USA, July 2018, Paper ID 169
H Study on association between cardiovascular disease and old people's living environment in rural Shanghai in winter X Wu, H Zhang, H Yoshino, U Yanagi, K Hasegawa, N Kagi, T Goto 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017), Jinan, China, October 2017, pp.2847-2845
Parameter quantification for a simulation model of human cardiovascular system T Goto, D Terayama, R Sugawara, H Sakamoto Healthy Buildings Asia 2017, Tainan, Taiwan, September 2017, pp.251-254
Human physiological responses of pedestrians walking and standing in outdoor spaces T Hasegawa, S Yumino, T Goto, A Mochida The 8th Japanese German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Osaka, March 2017, pp.125-130
Study on association between indoor thermal environment of residential buildings and cerebrovascular disease in a cold climatic region of Japan H Yoshino, K Hasegawa, T Goto, T Kainuma HealthyHousing 2016, Nobemver 2016, pp.526-533
Field measurements of indoor temperatures and blood pressure of elderly persons K Hasegawa, H Yoshino, T Goto HealthyHousing 2016, Nobemver 2016, pp.128-135
Simultaneous measurements of outdoor thermal environments and physiological responses of walking pedestrians T Hasegawa, S Yumino, T Goto, A Mochida ICHES2016 Nagoya, October 2016, Paper ID 20102
Effects of indoor temperature changes on occupants’ arousal state M Furukawa, T Goto, Y Yanagida, R Kondo, K Mizutani, K Tsukamoto ICHES2016 Nagoya, October 2016, Paper ID 20080
D Minimum thermal resistance for dew condensation prevention in China Q Zhang, H Yoshino, U Yanagi, K Hasegawa, T Goto, N Kagi, A Iwamae, T Otake Solar World Congress 2015, TS10-5-5, November 2015
Subjective experiment on causal relationship between indoor temperature and occupants’ performance mediated by arousal state T Goto, M Koganei, M Hiramatsu Healthy Buildings Europe 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Paper ID 576
Subjective experiments on relationships between indoor environment and arousal state and between arousal state and work performance T Goto, M Koganei, M Hiramatsu Healthy Buildings Europe 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Paper ID 575
Measurements of blood flow and blood pressure under different indoor temperature and body postural conditions, and development of a new human simulation model H Sakamoto, Y Chiba, T Hayase, K Funamoto, Y Saijo and T Goto Healthy Buildings Europe 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Paper ID 437
H The behavior of microbes in schoolchildren's house in china -a study on the relationship between dampness and fungal contamination- U Yanagi , H Yoshino, Z Li, H Zhang, J Xie, Y Lv, J Liu, S Zhu, N Li, K Hasegawa, N Kagi, T Goto The 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings (ICEERB2014) , November 2014, Paper ID Iceerb2014I211010
C,P The effects of thermal comfort and arousal level on the mere exposure effect K Matsuda, S Nakamoto, H Morioka, K Hiyama, T Goto, M Koganei 2014 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, November 2014, pp.254
C,P The effects of thermal comfort on mere exposure effect K Matsuda, S Nakamoto, H Morioka, K Hiyama, T Goto, M Koganei, T Kusumi The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (COGSCI 2014), July 2014, pp.3355
V Manual for indoor air environment and ventilation in schools A Hasegawa, H Yoshino, Y Iino, T Kurabuchi, T Goto, H Kitayama, G Iwashita, Y Kondo, A Nagai, S Muramatsu, S Nagasawa ASHRAE IAQ 2013, Vancouver, October 2013, pp.261-266
D The impact of natural cooling design on indoor environment using solar chimney with new cooling tower under new city of Assiut, Egypt climate A Sayed, H Yoshino, T Goto, N Enteria, M Radwan, M Abdelsamei CLIMAMED VII. Mediterranean Congress of Climatization, Istanbul, October 2013, pp.19-27
C,D Comparative study of indoor environment in residential buildings in hot humid climate of Malaysia MIM Hafizal, H Yoshino, T Goto Proceedings of World Academy of Engineering and Technology Conference, Paris, France, November 2012, pp.1687-1692
P Study on the effect of indoor environment on arousal state H Morioka, T Goto, Y Ogata, H Ando, M Koganei 9th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Gwang-Ju, Korea, October 2012, paper E-5-4
H Regulations and standards for indoor air environment (IAE) in schools - an international review A Hasegawa, T Goto, H Yoshino, Y Iino, S Muramatsu Healthy Building 2012, Brisbane, Australia, July 2012, paper 4C.10
D Study on outside air cooling system used in data processing facility I Yamaguchi, M Koganei, T Goto, M Tsushima 8th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, Kitakyushu, November 2010, pp.967-970
V Study on reduction of cooling loads in detached house by cross-ventilation using coupled simulation of semi-empirical ventilation model and network models K Tsukamoto, M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, T Nonaka, T Goto 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT2009), Busan, Korea, May 2009, pp.1541-1548
P The effects of indoor temperature and outdoor air supply rate on learning performance of late-teen students T Goto, K Ito 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT2009), Busan, Korea, May 2009, pp.934-941
V Simulation study on reduction of cooling loads in detached house by cross-ventilation using local dynamic similarity model M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, K Tsukamoto, T Nonaka, T Goto The 3rd International Workshop on Natural Ventilation, Tokyo, March 2009, paper 9
V Paper review of cross-ventilation research – Results from activities of working group for natural ventilation and cross-ventilation in AIJ H Kotani, T Goto, M Ohba, T Kurabuchi The 3rd International Workshop on Natural Ventilation, Tokyo, March 2009, paper 7
V Study on energy conservation effects of wind-induced ventilation in detached house using coupled simulation of semi-empirical ventilation model and network models M Ohba, K Tsukamoto, T Kurabuchi, T Goto, T Nonaka, T Endo AIVC 29th Conference: Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, Kyoto, October 2008, Vol.3, pp.21-26
V Study on prediction of ventilation flow rates in detached house based on coupled simulation of semi-empirical envelope flow model and network model M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, T Goto, K Tsukamoto, T Nonaka, T Endo, Y Akamine The 4th international conference on advances in wind and structure (AWAS’08), May 2008, pp.1156-1166
V Experimental study on discharge coefficient of outflow opening for predicting cross-ventilation flow rate T Goto, M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, T Endo, Y Akamine, T Nonaka The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2007), Sendai, October 2007, Vol.1, pp.341-348
V Study on proper design method of locating windows aiming at utilization of cross-ventilation in densely populated urban area T Nonaka , T Kurabuchi, M Ohba, T Endo, T Goto, Y Kadowaki, T Kawase The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2007), Sendai, October 2007, Vol.1, pp.131-137
V Investigation concerning effect of roof window in cross ventilation T Nonaka, T Kurabuchi, M Ohba, T Endo, T Goto, Y Akamine, H Numa 10th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT2007), Helsinki, June 2007, Paper code-1130
V Study on prediction of ventilation flow rates based on coupled simulation of local dynamic similarity model and network model for two-zone building models M Ohba, T Goto, T Kurabuchi 7th UK Conference on Wind Engineering, 2006, pp.149-152
V Experimental study on predicting wind-driven cross-ventilation flow rates and discharge coefficients based on local dynamic similarity model M Ohba, T Goto, T Kurabuchi, T Endo, Y Akamine The 2nd International Workshop on Natural Ventilation, Tokyo, December 2005, paper 10
V A study on the effects of porosity on discharge coefficient in cross-ventilated buildings based on wind tunnel experiment T Kurabuchi, Y Akamine, M Ohba, T Endo, T Goto, M Kamata The 2nd International Workshop on Natural Ventilation, Tokyo, December 2005, paper 7
V Improvement of prediction accuracy for wind pressure distribution and development of simulator for indoor air flow distribution induced by cross-ventilation T Endo, T Kurabuchi, T Nonaka, M Ishii, M Ohba, T Goto, Y Akamine The 2nd International Workshop on Natural Ventilation, Tokyo, December 2005, paper 4
V New framework of wind-driven cross-ventilation model based on local dynamic flow structure M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, T Goto, T Endo, Y Akamine The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-VI), Seoul, September 2005, pp.1024-1035
C Long-term field survey on thermal adaptation in office buildings in Japan T Goto, T Mitamura, H Yoshino, A Tamura, E Inomata Indoor Air 2005, Beijing, September 2005, pp.117-122
V Local dynamic similarity concept as applied to evaluation of discharge coefficient of cross-ventilated buildings, Part 3 Simplified method for estimating dynamic pressure tangential to openings of cross-ventilated buildings Y Akamine, M Kamata, T Kurabuchi, T Endo, M Ohba, T Goto Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment (PALENC 2005), Santorini, Greece, May 2005, pp.421-426
V Local dynamic similarity concept as applied to evaluation of discharge coefficient of cross-ventilated buildings, Part 2 Applicability of local dynamic similarity concept T Goto, M Ohba, T Kurabuchi, T Endo, T Otsuki, Y Akamine Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment (PALENC 2005), Santorini, Greece, May 2005, pp.415-420
V Local dynamic similarity concept as applied to evaluation of discharge coefficients of cross-ventilated buildings, Part 1 Basic idea and underlying wind tunnel tests T Kurabuchi, T Endo, M Ohba, T Goto, Y Akamine Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment (PALENC 2005), Santorini, Greece, May 2005, pp.409-414
V Simplified method for estimating total pressure at opening of cross-ventilated building M Ohba, T Goto, A Kurahashi, T Kurabuchi, Y Akamine, T Endo 6th UK Conference on Wind Engineering, UK, September 2004, pp.29.1-29.4
C Transient thermal sensation and comfort resulting from adjustment of clothing insulation T Goto, J Toftum, PO Fanger, H Yoshino Healthy Building 2003, Singapore, December 2003, pp.835-840
C Thermal sensation and comfort with transient metabolic rates T Goto, J Toftum, R de Dear, PO Fanger Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, June-July 2002, pp.1038-1043
C Fan speed controls assisted by human response simulation for comfort T Goto, LG Berglund, H Yoshino Cold Climate HVAC 2000, Sapporo, November 2000, pp.559-564
C Fan air speed controls assisted by human response simulation for comfort in warm environments T Goto, LG Berglund The 3rd International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Shenzhen China, November 1999, pp.128-137
C Ceiling fan speed controls for comfort in warm environments T Goto, LG Berglund PLEA’99 Conference, Brisbane, September 1999, pp.221-224
C Design and performance of an automatic ceiling fan control based on the PMV comfort model T Goto, LG Berglund 2nd International Conference on Human-Environment System (ICHES’98), Yokohama, November-December 1998, pp.572-575

